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Candlelight Christmas Eve

Yet in thy dark streets shineth / The Everlasting Light.

View slideshow of Lessons and Carols, and Christmas Eve Service


St. Barnabas's All Souls Day/Dia de los Muertos' beautiful
Ofrenda, remembering loved ones we have lost, which will remain up through Thanksgiving. Congregants and members of the community are cordially invited to add their own photos and momentos. 

Recent Events


OCT 31

BIG SUCCESS! Trunk or Treat and All Hallows Eve

UPDATE! After a fun and well-attended Halloween Trunk or Treat on the grounds of St. Barnabas, Father Mark (left) presided over a moving and festive All Hallows Eve mass with congregants and visitors, many of whom were very creatively costumed!  


Thursday, October 31st, beginning at 5:30 pm, for children of all ages! Please let Kamille Dibelka know if you plan on setting up a trunk (and if you would like electrical access), or if you would like to help out in any way; her contact info is in the St. Barnabas Directory.  The parking set-up will be slightly different this year.  All Hallows' Mass will follow at 7 pm, and will be celebrated with an extra dose of the fun we've come to expect (including a ghost, a witch, and costumes). 


Election Day Vigil and Resources

UPDATE! This election cycle has been much more contentious than any we have experienced in the past, and it didn't matter which side of the ballot on which people fell, there was palpable anxiety.  St. Barnabas Episcopal Church is a refuge, under God, and a house of prayer for all people.  In an effort to provide quiet comfort, the church opened and closed with the polls, providing both individual and group prayer time.  Snacks were also provided by some of the congregants.  It was a special time for Father Mark and a chance to be in the presence of something so much bigger for those who stopped in.


St. Barnabas will open its doors to the public on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th, at 6 am.  The doors will remain open until the polls close at 8 pm as a house of prayer for any person who needs to stop, relax, calm down, or pray.  Please share this information with your friends.  There will be no political discussion inside the church. Father Mark will lead Morning Prayer at 9 am, Mid-day Prayer at 12 noon, Evening Prayer at 6 pm, and Compline with Eucharist at 7:30 pm. If you would like to take a time overseeing the church or making snacks available, please contact Fr. Mark. today's globalized world, chances are you are interacting with people from more than just one country. This is where our multilingual functionality comes into play. Take advantage of this unique capability to expand your reach.

Events Slideshow below: tap and hold on images
(on iphone or ipad); or double click (on computer)
to view titles and full screen images. 


All Souls Day/El Dia de los Muertos

UPDATE! We had a terrific time learning about a part of the culture and richness of family life as celebrated by some of our Hispanic neighbors.  Scripture and the really important parts of the Holy Eucharist were presented in both Spanish and English.  With us was also a new friend from Colombia, and the congregation was happy to greet Christian as he shared his time and some prayers with us.


All Souls Day/ Dia de los Muertos will be celebrated on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at St. Barnabas's 10 am service.  The Eucharistic Mass will be bi-lingual and there will be Mexican themed treats afterwards.  Please bring photos of those we have lost, but would like to remember for the community Ofenda altar on Thursday (all day), Friday morning, Sunday, or by appointment with Lynne B. or Fr. Mark. Costumes and make-up are welcome for this special service!


Volunteers needed for Great Northern Services food distribution at St. Barnabas

UPDATE! Don Lewing reports that our last distribution of the year with Great Northern Services on November 7th was another success. Church volunteers spent 2 1/2 hours serving 46 families, including seniors. A bag full of non-perishable items, including locally grown fresh red bell peppers and spaghetti squash, was given out, and seniors were given a separate box of food!


At St. Barnabas we gather food and donate to local food banks, as well as assist Great Northern Services with food distribution at our church. To help with our upcoming Great Northern food distribution, gather in the Fellowship Hall on Nov. 7 at 2:30 - 4:00 pm.


St. Barnabas Bake Sale at Dunsmir Arts and Craft Fair!  ECW Cookbook for sale!

UPDATE: Big Success! Brisk bake sale and cookbook sales!  Order your ECW's From Our Table cookbooks by contacting Sheri Coulter via the St. Barnabas Directory, or by clicking here on the Contact Us form.

As in past years, St. Barnabas'  Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will have a back sale table at the annual Dunsmuir Rotary's Arts and Crafts Fair.  We are busy baking and preparing an array of our best recipes.  Along with delicious baked goods, we will be offering a super raffle basket, themed "Holiday Kitchen".


And, hot-off-the-presses! ECW's  cookbook "From Our Table" will be available at the fair for a donation of $15.00. From Our Table is a collection of ECW and friends'  favorite recipes.  From delicious appetizers to desserts, enjoy recipes dear to our hearts.  

(Double click or tap to expand slideshow below)  

Big fun!
Blessing of the Animals

St Barnabas Episcopal Church celebrated St. Francis Day with its annual Blessing of the Animals on Friday, October 4. It was a beautiful day for the ceremony on the Church's front lawn. Vicar Mark Dibelka performed the traditional service, blessing congregants and guests' well-mannered, furry friends. 


St Barnabas also reached out to the larger Mt. Shasta community to participate in the Blessing. The Siskiyou Humane Society, our local animal shelter, brought an adorable adoptable dog, Flurry (see pic below), who thoroughly enjoyed socializing with people and pets alike. Generous pet parents donated over $150.00 to the no-kill shelter!


Also participating was Mt. Shasta Animal Hospital, our local veterinary clinic. Generous donations were also gifted to its Angel Care Fund, providing  emergency care for animals in need.

Everyone at the St. Barnabas Blessing--pets especially!-- enjoyed a memorable and fun service celebrating St. Francis Day and God's love for all his creatures. 



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